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Hi everybody.

These are really difficult times for everybody and I really hope that you re all well.

The last two weeks have been difficult for our country and our community, but I am excited by how positive most people are in spite of these difficulties.

It also gives us an opportunity to spend more time sharpening our skills, and we have been working on a plan to help you during the lockdown as well. Behind the scenes we have been working on developing a solution that will allow all of you to attend classes and continue building on your excellent progress so far this year. 

There is really no reason why we cannot continue with classes considering the wonderful technology that is available to us. Last week we did two short classes to test using Zoom to do a class, and we have decided to start with formal virtual classes on Tuesday the 7th of April 2020. My husband, Gideon has assisted in refining the setup for doing that, and will also help me on the day if there are any technical issues.

Due to the fact that we will not all be in the same room. We have to adapt our normal method to accommodate the limitations of our usual classes for the duration of the lockdown. 

In stead of two hour classes once a week, we will now be running two 1 hour 30 minute classes a week. That gives us an opportunity to settle in and get used to the format. I addition, you can send me your work done during class so that  I can review it review it. That means that you will get an additional 60 minutes per week, and then hen also the free post class critique of the work done in the class.

We can also do larger classes like this, and as we assume that with the lockdown therefore I have decided to do the sessions as follows:

  1. Tuesday from 10H00 to 11:30        –   Adults
  2. Tuesday from 13H00 to 14H30      –   Elementary Students (Grade 1 to 7)
  3. Wednesday from 10H00 to 11:30   –  High School Students ( Grade 8 to 12)
  4. Wednesday from 13H00 to 14:30  –  Elementary Students
  5. Thursday from 10H00 to 11:30       – Adult
  6. Thursday from 13:00 to 14:30.       – High School Students

If this is clashing with adults working remotely,  please contact me so that we can also look at a schedule outside normal working hours. I assume that the day classes won the Children will be in order.

Please note again that this arrangement is only in place during the lockdown. Afterwards we will revert to normal class lengths on normal schedules.

Please feel free to contact me on my WhatsApp or via email regarding this.

You will notice that we are also busy working on our website. We are planning exciting things for it, so please be patient with us for a bit while we get it in order.

You can watch our progress and read my blog at

Say safe and blessed!

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The New Art4Heart Website

Art4 Heart has just been updated. The previous website has become very dated, and therefore we have decided to retire it form it’s static view and start introducing new blog-centric approach.

Our business is dynamic and therefore we will be updating you with news and photos of things that happen at the business on a regular basis