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Art4heart’s new venture

Art4heart closed its doors in July 2022 after 11 years of operating in Kempton Park. For me it was the saying goodbye that was the hardest. I will always treasure the memories made with good friends there and luckily we are connected via WhatsApp and technology.

In August 2022, we arrived in Gansbaai, Western Cape. What a difference!!! Every things was and is different! For starters, the town has no traffic lights! About half of the businesses close for lunch, or they close for the day at 15h00, except for the convenient stores like Spar and OK. Clicks closes their doors during loadshedding????, and during this time, all other stores run their very loud generators just outside their doors. You just walk pass the noise and go about your business. Most businesses are closed on Sundays, except for restaurants.
Gansbaai has so many restaurants and coffee shops, it is unbelievable!
I do miss Checkers and Pick and Pay. I also miss Mr D, strangely enough!

The service delivery is top notch. If somethings breaks, it is fixed the same day or the next. There are no potholes in Gansbaai. It is kept clean and beautiful. In August we had an issue with water. Nothing in the taps. I phone the municipality immediately. Straight away the lady knew about the issue and said they were dealing with it. Half and hour later, we had water on tap again! I liked that! Nearly fainted at the speed things are fixed here. You will hear no complains from me. At night time, you can see the galaxy. The starts are bright on no-cloud nights, and the moon even seems brighter and bigger.

I wanted to start the Art Studio again in January 2023, but life happened. I hear you ask why? Let me tell you why! It was a rollercoaster ride from August to January! Believe you me!!! I actually started AND opened last week! 😛

I also launched my Competition last week. B U T I printed my competition entry form in hastiness and after it was printed discovered 3 spelling mistakes! \()/ The horror!
I already have 2 people that joined the Art4heart art gallery, with lots more to join. This is going to be a local is lekker thing.

My shop is off to a bit of a slow start as I am waiting for stock and shelves, but this too will pass! Rome was not built in one day – and it takes time to build an ark. Not that Art4heart is Rome or an ark, but you get the picture.

The art classes starts in February and I am looking forward to that!
Now I must just get to settle in more and more and more and more